“The mutual relations of Azerbaijan and Georgian people can be an example for Europe” – Ahmad Shahidov spoke about the ethnic situation in the South Caucasus at the OSCE Warsaw Meeting

On September 15, the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of OSCE participating States, organized by OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) continued its work in Warsaw, Poland. Representatives of OSCE participating States, OSCE institutions, and OSCE executive structures, representatives of inter-governmental organizations, legal professionals, representatives of civil society and researchers from 57 participating States took part in discussions.

Taking an active part in discussion on the topic of “Tolerance and non-discrimination: rights of national minorities, aggressive nationalism, racism and chauvinism”, Head of Azerbaijan Institute for Democracy and Human Rights Dr. Ahmad Shahidov said that the peoples of the South Caucasus live in peace and brotherhood for many years, and the principles of multiculturalism, together living and tolerance are always protected in this region. Speaking about the tolerance environment in Azerbaijan and Georgia, the Human Rights Defender said that many peoples belonging to national minorities of both countries live in peace and fraternity, and this can be an example for the whole world.

Then, speaking about Armenia, Head of AIDHR Dr. Ahmad Shahidov called this country a monotone and pointed out that the principle of “Armenia only for armenians” has turned into a state policy in Yerevan. Said that aggressive nationalism, racism and chauvinism led to separatism, the Human Rights Defender pointed out that the Nagornoy Karabakh conflict had been initiated by armenian chauvinists and dashnaks, the ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Karabakh and surrounding areas were massively expelled, killed, wounded and taken hostage, and as a result, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict began, which lasts more than 30 years: “Today, this conflict continues, there are more than one million displaced persons, the official Yerevan continues its occupation policy, and ethnic Azerbaijanis are regularly killed and wounded. The cause of all these tragedies is the Armenian government and its aggressive chauvinist policy.”

PS. The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of OSCE participating States is Europe’s largest annual human rights and democracy conference. It is organized every year by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) as a platform for the 57 OSCE participating States, the OSCE Partners for Co-operation, OSCE structures, civil society, international organizations and other relevant actors to take stock of the implementation of OSCE human dimension commitments, discuss associated challenges, share good practices and make recommendations for further improvement.