On October 9, the OSCE Human Dimension Conference continued its work in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Today’s discussions were held on the topic “Rule of Law – Democratic law-making, Independence of the judiciary, Right to a fair trial”. The head of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights Dr. Ahmad Shahidov, who closely participated in the discussions, first of all defended the rights of innocent people killed in the Israeli-Palestinian war and said that according to international law, the State of Israel is conducting an occupation policy and occupying Palestinian lands.
Noting that the UN Security Council has hundreds of resolutions on Israel’s occupation policy and these resolutions were vetoed by the US, human rights defender Dr. Ahmad Shahidov stated that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the State of Palestine should be respected.
In his interview to Akit Television of Turkiye, human rights defender Dr. Ahmad Shahidov talked about what happened in OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference.