Head of AIDHR familiarized himself with the activities of the Committee
Ahmad Shahidov, Head of Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR) visited the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar in Doha, Qatar on February 18 and held a meeting with the representatives of the Committee.
Being received by Sultan Hasan Al Jamali, Deputy Secretary General of the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar’s, Head of AIDHR discussed potentials for bilateral collaboration and noted AIDHR planned activities to be carried out in cooperation with the Committee.
For his part, Sultan Hasan Al Jamali warmly welcomed Head of AIDHR and pointed out importance of close cooperation. Aftermath, Ahmad Shahidov toured headquarter of the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar. Seizing the opportunity Head of AIDHR familiarized himself with the activities pursed by the Committee and made exchange of thoughts with the top officials.