Ahmad Shahidov, candidate to parliamentary elections held his next meeting in Zarna, Gakh region on October 13. The meeting which took place at conference hall of Zarna secondary school which was identified Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been attended by nearly 100 locals. Being warmly welcomed by residents, Mr. Shahidov raised cares of residents, poor road conditions, lack of social facilities, youth unemployment and other relevant issues.
Taking floor, locals conveyed their concerns to the candidate to parliamentary elections. On behalf of all residents Akhund (community religious leader) said that Mosque was in damaged condition and noted that peasants do not have place to observe Friday pray. Religious leader of the community also asked assistance of Ahmad Shahid in eliminating of aforementioned problem. In his turn Mr. Shahidov promised to do his best in the restoration of mosque. The meeting was accompanied with friendly and sensitive atmosphere.