Well-known human rights defender, won the sympathy of the people of Gakh during the elections to the Milli Majlis (Parliament) Ahmad Shahidov has recently made a video appeal. Human rights defender, who spent the past 10 days in Gakh region, met with local people and learned the real situation, talked about the state of tourism in Gakh in the summer months, the wishes of young people in the region and the concerns of simple residents of Gakh.
Ahmad Shahidov emphasized the need to invest in human capital in Gakh region, saying that today there is a need for young, friendly and kind governors in Gakh, and most importantly, those who love the Homeland and the State. Gakh’s people need love, attention and care. Noting that Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the head of state, cares about sports and culture at the state level, Ahmad Shahidov said that the local officials in Gakh region did not compromise with this state policy and indifferent to sport, culture and art in Gakh.
Ahmad Shahidov reminded the recent interview of academician Ramiz Mehdiyev about the need for young cadres in public administration is very important, stressed that Gakh is inevitable in terms of youth and modernization, and that the Gakh governors should coordinate their activities with the state policy of Azerbaijan Republic.