MP`s from the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) appealed to the President regarding the extraordinary parliamentary elections. The decision was made on June 20 at the next meeting of the NAP Management Board. In the current conditions, the Milli Majlis (Parliament) should take the initiative to dissolve the Milli Majlis and hold elections earlier, prioritizing the state’s interests.
Speaking on the subject to ARB24 Television, human rights defender Dr. Ahmad Shahidov said that the events that have taken place in the region and the world in the last 5 years, especially the liberation of Azerbaijan’s lands from armenian occupation in the 44-day Second Karabakh War, followed by the restoration of our state sovereignty, have formed new realities and goals for Azerbaijan. Today, Azerbaijan’s agenda includes the Zangezur Corridor and West Azerbaijan issues. This forces us to fight with new and powerful competitors. In such a situation, Azerbaijan is becoming stronger in every field, and in this regard, the Parliament must be composed of flexible and professional MP`s in line with new goals.